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Career Readiness, Life Literacies & Key Skills

Get used to hearing the word "Clicks." 

"Career Readiness, Life Literacies and Key Skills" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, so these standards are more commonly known as "CLKS" or "Clicks" standards. 


The CLKS reside in 9.1, 9.2, and 9.4, and they contain a lot of what used to be in 8.1 & 8.2 - with 9.3 being the Career & Technical Education Standards. 


The nice thing about these standards is that they are broad and important and can go in a wide variety of courses. The challenging thing about these standards is that they are broad, important and belong in a wide variety of courses. 


In my last position as an interim Director of Curriculum and Instruction, I updated all of the district's CLKS standards K-12. It was tedious and there's no simple way to do it, even with an online curriculum database. Admins could easily justify asking teachers to update the CLKS for their courses, but their time might be better spent working on lesson planning, material review, and collaboration, particularly since some of the new standards fold easily into interdisciplinary projects. 

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